Focus Groups

Sign ups for the Focus Groups have ended. Results will be shared as we conclude Phase 3. Thank you to everyone who participated and shared their valuable input!


Retail in Danville is concentrated in shopping centers along main roads and downtown areas. Shopping centers have national brands, while downtown has local shops. Neighborhood strip centers cater to nearby residential communities for convenience shopping.


Jobs should be accessible, offering fair wages, excellent working conditions, and growth prospects. In pursuit of inclusive economic growth, Danville should address disparities in business ownership and wages among demographic groups, dismantling long-standing barriers to full participation in the local and regional economy.


Housing should provide accessibility to amenities and be safe, healthy, and stable, promoting overall well-being. It should also facilitate easy access to daily activities by car, walking, or biking, offering diverse options in size, tenure, and affordability without exceeding 30% of income on housing costs.


Transportation options must cater to diverse needs, ensuring convenient and safe access to daily destinations. Street design should prioritize pedestrian and cyclist safety, as they are more vulnerable to severe injuries in accidents.

Learning, Recreational, and Cultural Resources

Resources like schools, parks, health centers, and public spaces, such as the Danville Public Library, play a crucial role in residents’ lives and well-being. These resources must be easily and safely accessible to all, prioritizing those who need them most in the community.


Infrastructure in Danville, VA is critical for its community’s well-being. The city invests in maintaining and improving roads, bridges, utilities, and public facilities to ensure safe and efficient transportation, reliable services, and a high quality of life for its residents.

Retail in Danville is concentrated in shopping centers along main roads and downtown areas.
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Sustaining accessible jobs with fair wages, inclusive focus on addressing disparities and dismantling barriers to participation.
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Accessible, safe, healthy housing promoting well-being, diverse options without exceeding 30% income on housing costs.
Sign ups for the Housing focus group is closed. 
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Diverse transportation for safe and convenient access. Prioritize pedestrian and cyclist safety in street design.
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Planning for crucial resources to ensure communal well-being, easy accessibility, and prioritizing community needs.
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Danville's infrastructure is critical for community well-being by allocating funding for roads, utilities, and facilities.
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The Comprehensive Plan was adopted by City Council on December 3rd and will be effective January 1, 2025!